Friday, May 21, 2010

You might be in Africa if....

7) The government makes a point to put up signs telling you not to feed the baboons.

8) You eat dinner and get offered the filet of Ostrich special.

9) You can see the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocea at the same time. (We drove down to the southern most tip of Africa on our way to Cape Town (Cape Agulhas). This is where these two oceans meet...Awesome. We'll show you pictures when we get back, just ask.

10) You are at an internet cafe and you set both of your backpacks down at your feet and one of them grows legs and walks away without a sound. (Yea we are down a backpack. It had some really valuable stuff in there. Oh well, just stuff. It also had our camera cord, so no more blog pictures, we're sorry!)

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