Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Jet Lag

Ladies and gentleman we just wanted to take a moment to talk about jet lag. For all you non-believers out there, jet lag is real and it is a beast. Bed time comes pretty early around here, about 9 o' clock, and after a long day it's not too difficult to catch a few hours of sleep. Then it hits you. 3 am rolls around and you find yourself wide awake. Not only awake but with more energy than you've had all day. What do you do? First you pray that something just woke you up and this is not what you think it is. You pray that you are actally still tired and have a couple more hours of sleep in your system. Of course the truth of the matter is that like it or not it is morning. Not actually morning, the sun will be in bed for 3 more hours, but it is your morning. Might as well embrace it. You aren't falling back asleep. What ensues is a cycle of reading, journaling, and praying. Mom always told us that if you pray when you can't sleep Satan won't like it and he will put you to sleep. Well in South Africa, Satan just laughs his butt off while you are wide awake wishing you were asleep. So you go back to reading and journaling. We have probably read a combined two hundred pages between the hours of 3 am and 6 am. That is a modest estimate.
Honestly though we have had a great two days as we work off the jet lag to simply relax, read, talk to Win and andi (they are neat people), and get our feet under us. It was certainly needed. You never get that kind of time at Vandy. Great to unwind. That was certainly a goal of the trip.

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