Tuesday, May 11, 2010

You might be in Africa if........

1) You live in a house with a talking parrot. Yes it is true, his name is RayRay (pictured left), and we get the privilege of hearing from him every morning bright and early around 6am. As soon as that cover comes off the cage he is chirping, or more like speaking jibberish, better than any travel alarm clock you can buy.
2) Your house has iron grates over every window, doorway, or entrace hall which must be locked every night by order of the embassy. So much for the late night run to the fridge when the jet lag sets in.
3) You go a museum and your tour guide introduces himself with a click. That happened for us this afternoon at the Apartheid museum in Johannesburg; his name was nmh(click)asud.


  1. Are there seriously iron gates over the doors INSIDE the house - like the doorway to the kitchen? That might for an amazing diet plan! Wow.
    And what is a "click?" I don't get it...

  2. There really are iron gates inside the house. Extra locked-down.

    And the click is fairly common in native African languages. You make it with your tongue, like clucking your tongue or smacking off of the roof of your mouth. It is strange whne you hear someone do it in natural speach.

